QB Tax Advisor Accounting

QB Tax Advisor

Businesses seeking robust accounting functionality—beyond QuickBooks Pro but below the complexity of Enterprise—can count on the impressive power of QuickBooks Premier. The flagship software packs an abundance of features to manage inventory, payroll, reporting, and scaling needs for growth-oriented companies.

The freshly launched 2024 edition of QuickBooks Premier Desktop takes this already mighty financial platform even further with new capabilities. Read on for what’s new and improved in Premier Desktop 2024!

Modernized Visual Design

At first glance, you’ll notice the 2024 edition revamps Premier’s visual interface with sleeker icons, fonts, colors, and navigation. Buttons and menus now have a clean, modern aesthetic and improved discoverability.

For example, the updated icon ribbon presents related functions in intuitive groupings using recognizable graphics. This allows you to swiftly find the right features, whether entering a bill, reconciling a bank account, or generating financial statements.

Faster Speed Across the Board

Premier Desktop 2024 significantly cranks up the speeds for an all-around snappier experience, including:

Quicker launch times: Open company files in about half the time.

Rapid report generation: pull hefty reports in seconds with in-memory reporting

Streamlined search: intelligent filters locate transactions and contacts rapidly

Saved customizations: Retain personalized column views, filters etc. by the user

Even with massive datasets, you’ll be able to complete accounting tasks faster thanks to major performance optimizations.

Expanded Transaction Search Power

Drill into granular transaction details even faster by leveraging new search functionality in Premier 2024, like:

Enhanced filter options: search by vendor, customer, amount, date span, andmore.

In-list search bar: Instantly locate transactions without leaving list views

Smart tag surfacing: Related transactions surface alongside search results.

The amplified search makes it effortlessly easy to inspect transactions, invoices, bills, and more to answer financial questions.

Attach pictures and files to transaction records.

Premier 2024 introduces support for multimedia attachments, so you can enrich transaction records with handy images, documents, and files, including:

Snap photos with in Premier: Take pictures without leaving the software to attach to records

Upload existing images or files: Drag and drop files from your computer or cloud storage

View attachments right in transactions: Display attach pictures or document without opening extern viewers.

Visuals, contracts, work orders, and more become immutably connected to related transactions for reference.

Swifter inventory assembly builds

For Premier users managing advanced inventory with kits and assemblies, building bundled inventory items gets far simpler with helpful new features like:

Merging duplicate parts: consolidate duplicate component listings

Assembling inventory bundles becomes much less tedious. Quarterly build processes for kitted products like gift baskets or IT equipment take far less manual effort.

Custom Fields Added Everywhere

While Premier already offered ample standard fields, the 2024 edition lets users freely customize additional metadata across transactions, customers, vendors, employees, and item lists.

Now add specialized details, like:

Custom SKUs

Project/job codes

Equipment serial numbers

Purchaser names

Special billing terms

Inventory warehouse location

Capturing niche data meets unique business needs. Furthermore, customized fields seamlessly integrate into Premier reports for in-depth tracking.

Enriched Payroll Functionality

Managing payroll through Premier becomes more robust with helpful 2024 additions like:

Support more employee types: handle seasonal, contract, and foreign employees

Vacation/PTO tracking: log hours earned and used plus accrual details

Payroll audit log: Maintain an immutable ledger of all payroll events and changes.

Payroll summaries inbox: Flag tasks like approving timesheets from them inbox view.

Growing businesses increasingly handle complex payroll requirements as their workforces diversify. Premier 2024 rises to meet escalating needs, so payroll stays simple and compliant.

QuickBooks Premier Desktop 2024 demonstrates Intuit’s ongoing commitment to rapidly evolving its products’ capabilities. Both new and longtime Premier users gain immense advantages from enhancing their accounting technology stack with the latest Premier edition. Contact us for help upgrading or getting started with Premier 2024, tailored exactly for your financial workflows!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some of the major improvements in QuickBooks Premier Desktop 2024?

Some major new features and enhancements in Premier Desktop 2024 include a modernized interface, significantly faster speeds, expanded transaction search power, the ability to attach images or files to transactions, streamlined inventory assembly builds, added custom fields everywhere, and enriched payroll functionality.

What are some of the biggest workflow benefits of upgrading to Premier 2024?

Top perks like much faster reports, simplified inventory builds, and attaching visual documentation directly to transactions create major time savings. Enhanced search, custom fields, and payroll features also let Premier better adapt to unique business needs as companies scale.

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